I share my home and life in Salem, Oregon with my husband, Paul, our homebred Int. Ch. and Novice Trick dog, Hamlin's Born to Run (Moose), and AKC Grand Champion, Int. Jr. Ch. and Novice Trick Dog Chanoz Hamlin Lights Up The Night (Halley). Animals have always been an important part of my life. I was given my first horse at the age of 5 and started showing horses a few years later. More than 30 years ago I purchased my first great dane, Multiple Group winning BISS Sheenwater Jokers Jest, and began learning about dogs and dog shows. Over the past 30 years I have enjoyed showing dachshunds, a whippet, dobermans and danes.
Previous danes include Breeder/Owner handled Ch. Mercerwood’s Boston White Socks (Joey), his lovely harlequin daughter, Grand Champion Chroma Hamlin Surprise party, (Cade), and his beautiful granddaughter, GCH. This Song IS About Me (Carly). Joey was co-owned by breeder, Ken Vojik and Cade was co-owned by breeder JP Yousha. These three danes were wonderful companions with huge personality and a love of people, kids, dogs and life in general. Joey finished his championship quickly including Best of Winners at the Great Dane Club of Northern California Specialty and passed all health testing. Bred only a few times, Joey produced two AKC Grand Champions along with pups with Best in Sweeps and Best Puppy in Specialty wins. He also has champion puppies in Ireland and the Netherlands. Cade finished her championship with two Best of Breed wins over a beautiful group of eight specials. Although I’ve owned and handled other Great Dane colors, the Harlequin and Mantle Great Danes are my current focus.
I’ve had the amazing opportunity to handle a couple of great danes for friends, most notably two Specials who were in the top 20 Great Danes in the US: BISS Am & Can Ch Infiniti’s Alleanza V Daynkn for Vickie Soper and Georgia Hymmen and BISS GCH Double D’s No More Mr Ice Guy AOM, (Luther) for owners Greg and Sheila Sammons.
When not showing dogs, I was Dr. Karen Bezanson (Hamlin), Professor of Education at Willamette University, then Associate Professor at George Fox University and Director of the Oregon Writing Project Collaborative at George Fox. I recently retired after 46 years of teaching.
On this website I’ve provided information about my dogs, past and present, their show records, health information and pedigrees. I have included information about a few of the dogs I have handled and biographical information, as well as a convenient way to contact me (through the navigation tab “Email Karen”).
Owning a great dane is an honor, a privilege and a significant commitment. I encourage individuals hoping to add a great dane to their family to carefully research what that commitment entails and then even more carefully research breeders to find the right puppy or adult great dane for them.
Hamlin Great Danes
AKC Breeder of Merit

Halley’s Ad in the Great Dane Reporter
Halley’s latest ad in the Great Dane Reporter
Halley completes all of her health testing
GCH Chanoz Hamlin Lights Up The Night (Halley) has retired from her successful dog show career and has passed all of the health testing required by the Great Dane Club of America for responsible breeders of great danes. The details of her health testing can be viewed at the OFA Canine Health Information Center CHIC…